Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Memories of Meadowbrook when it was the Mali Estate

Published this day 10 July, 1931, student essay describing the Mali Estate and Netherwood Farm, along with other photos and maps of various eras to help with the imagery described.  Reminder to click images to enlarge the view.  Enjoy!!

Here is large full page of the article and its columns, excerpts are below...

Here is a postcard I found of the estate at a vintage shop...  let's go for a walk about shall we?

... these captioned Conservatory photos are from a 1936 article

A map of the estate with call-outs of the areas described.

A view of the mansion in a 1950ish reprint about a new bank.

Thanks for this written tour, Jean Price, all these years later 

And a reminder to be sure to visit us over on Instagram when you can:

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