Friday, September 6, 2024

The Mali Estate during the Great Depression 1929-1933

It is tricky to find much detail about the goings-on of the hundreds of acres of the former Mali Estate that today make up our neighborhood, also portions of Route 22 (formerly Route 29),and even the Watchung Square Mall.
But this was a very interesting article to read that was published on this day in 6 September 1933, just 3 years before the first shovels would start our neighborhood. 


Pierre Mali passed away unexpectedly in 1925, Frances Mali (heir to John Taylor Johnston) just 3 years later in 1928, and so the Estate was managed by the Netherwood Farm Corporation which was essentially the Mali children heirs.  And shortly after their passing, in September 1929 the Great Depression occurred which impacted everyone.  4 years later in September 1933 this article frames the still ongoing struggles the economy was experiencing.

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