Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Brook Scene from Farragut Road - Happy First Full Day of Winter!

Happy First Full Day of Winter!  

Winter was officially here as of 10:59 am yesterday so we are now 24 hours into it and since that was the "shortest" day of the year with 9 hours, 19 minutes, 59 seconds of daylight, things are only going to get brighter!  

Last night's Meadowbrook Neighborhood Luminary event with special guest appearances by North Plainfield Mayor La Ronde and @thegrinchmobile was memorable, looking forward to the next one and reaching out to more neighbors.

While no snow is forecast this year for awhile, here is winter 1910 Post Card to get into the mood captioned, "Brook Scene from Farragut Road" 

Also, a survey image showing where the bridge existed, right side of image, filed with the county 3 August 1936.  The dashes on the left side of the image were former dams - more on this later!

A photo of what was the final bridge, from the Open House newspaper spread later in November 1936.  

If you yourself get curious, just wonder onto the island from Brook Avenue and you can still see portions of the bridge foundation on the Union County bank of the Green Brook.  I believe the two other marks are illustrating dams and those foundational blocks still exist as well which you can see from the grassy open space patch.  

I'm going to do another longer post on Farragut Road later as the name sake is after highly decorated Civil War Admiral Farragut, himself the son of a Spanish-American immigrant and Revolutionary War veteran, and his infamous quote, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" during the battle of Mobile.  Admiral Farragut and his son Royal were dear friend's to JT Johnston whose Quaker and Scottish upbringing united them over their shared Abolitionist views. 

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