Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Missing Mali Estate Mansion and Green Brook Pond

This image from a 1922 book titled, Plainfield and Vicinity in Pictures has perplexed me for a long time of the Frances J. Mali Mansion, address of 843 East Front Street, which was just down from the Gate House at 901 East Front Street.  Just where the heck is this large body of water, pond, and Mansion?  

Tip: Click images to enlarge them

I'm not certain how old this photograph is entirely... I have to place a solid guess that it is before a 1920's survey, more on that below, because it isn't highlighted and the Olmsted Bros Landscape Architects aren't ones to leave such an item out as you'll see in the detail screenshot.

For reference, a current day Google Map showing the distance from the Gate House 
at the corner of Johnston Avenue.
Even a republication post highlighting the Meadowbrook Neighborhood opening in 1936 makes the same reference...
I knew of this 1936 survey that showed two dams and a bridge....
But this earlier 1928 survey, after Mrs. Mali's passing, by Olmsted Bros Landscape Architects and it only illustrates a Hay Shed, Chicken Coop, and Stable... but it does mark two dams and a bridge and clearly a large pond before the island where the word "GREEN" marks the Green Brook
Everything lines up, 1 bridge, 2 dams, and 1 pond-like pause in the flow of the Green Brook
But then, where is the house?

Netherwood Farm and the Mali Estate were host to many fire dangers over the years.
So, if the home burned or was just dismantled after the Mali's passed (Pierre 1923, Frances 1928) I'm not entirely sure...

However, today I think I found the answer to the homes location in an 1898 map survey on the Somerset County Clerk website when I searched, "Mountain Avenue" that shows the footprint of many buildings during the prime of the Estate, shortly after the passing (1893) of JT Johnston.
Look close up, you can see a bridge mid-way through the property pointing to a home directly across from the dammed Green Brook and it's slow moving pond.
Here is my attempt to color in the map, click to enlarge
So, there we have it, the slow moving pond and a mansion.

Photo solved?
 I hope you enjoyed the journey and would love to know if you have any thoughts or comments about the discovery.

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